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The international online school "Innovative technologies of teaching the German language" started at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

On February 14, the first seminar of the online school "Innovative technologies for teaching the German language" took place. The online school is being implemented within the framework of a cooperation agreement between the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the M.V. Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University in Arkhangelsk.

The Department of Romano-Germanic Philology of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Department of German and French Philology of the SAFU, based on a joint cooperation program, will conduct an International online School from February 14 to March 20, after which participants will receive certificates. The development of innovative technologies will contribute to successful work in future teaching activities.

Nadezhda Vlasyuk, Head of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, addressed colleagues and students with a welcoming speech. She stressed the importance and necessity of using innovative technologies that facilitate language learning, increase motivation, form listening skills, promote a positive attitude towards learning German, and create an interesting and lively atmosphere.

Maria Sokolova, Head of the Department of German and French Philology, and Elena Shiman, Director of the Center for International Academic Mobility, addressed the participants of the seminar with gratitude for cooperation and wishes for fruitful work from SAFU.

Students of two universities took part in the educational and methodological seminar "Creating a video on the introduction of a new topic for foreign language classes".

The moderator of the training seminar was Larisa Shipitsina, Professor of the Department of German and French Philology at SAFU. YKSUG residents got acquainted with their peers from Arkhangelsk in a playful way, and then in a visual form got acquainted with popular resources, online platforms and technological tools with which interactive videos are created. Students were able to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice by creating their interactive videos according to pre-prepared instructions. The trial videos were posted on the online collaboration board (Miro-Board).

The second seminar will be held on February 21, moderated by Associate Professor of the Department of Romano-Germanic Philology of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Tatyana Skorobogataya.

Methodological seminars will be held weekly until March 20. The online school program includes a number of training seminars dedicated to interactive and information technologies in foreign language classes, and their moderators are associate professors and teachers of both partner universities.


YKSUG residents took part in the III International Winter School of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Employees and students of the Department of Finance and Accounting of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the III International Winter School "Dialogues on Digitalization of Business Data Collection, Consolidation, Analysis and Control in the EAEU space", which was held in a remote format from January 13 to February 10, 2024 at the Faculty of Economics of the Patrice Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Lumumba (RUDN).

The III International Winter School was attended by 197 students and teachers from 18 universities in Russia and neighboring countries, joining forces in search of effective business solutions.

Speakers from leading universities in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan have identified the vector of scientific research on business data management issues in the context of digital transformation of economic entities.

Lyudmila Tarasova, Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting, presented to the audience a report "On control (supervisory) activities in the Republic of Belarus", in which she revealed the essence, concept, content of financial control and its place in the state management system, familiarized with the principles and scope of state financial control, elements and methods of control, conditions of implementation in the Republic of Belarus.

Natalia Pototskaya, Senior lecturer at the Department of Finance and Accounting, introduced the practice of digitalization into the taxation system of the Republic of Belarus in her report "Digitalization of Tax Administration in the Republic of Belarus".

The format of the open conversation allowed the listeners to gain practice-oriented knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of accounting, taxation, international financial reporting standards, financial control, statistical analysis of business data.

The organizers of the International Winter School were Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Russia) and L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan).

The Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law took part in the international round table

On February 7, an international round table "Contract in civil law: modern development of traditional civil Institutions" was held at the Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of Judges, prosecutors, courts and Justice Institutions of BSU.

Avak Vartanyan, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, made a presentation on the topic "The case and its significance in the regulation of contractual relations." The round table was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Law, Professor Valery Godunov.

The event was organized by the Faculty of Law of BSU together with the Law Institute of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

The rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was awarded the title of Honorary Professor

The title of Honorary Professor was awarded during a meeting at Tashkent State Law University, which took place as part of the official visit of the delegation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Uzbekistan. Irina Kiturko, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, also visited the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami and Tashkent State Transport University.

An important event of the meeting at Tashkent State Law University was the awarding of the title of "Honorary Professor" to Irina Fedorovna. The Rector expressed her warm gratitude for the honor. The participants of the meeting discussed further cooperation in already established areas and found new vectors of interaction. Irina Kiturko also met with students enrolled in a joint educational program specializing in International Law.

Rector Botir Usmanov, Vice-rector for International Cooperation Zebo Babakhanova, Vice-rector for Work with Enterprises and Educational Institutions Anvar Shernaev, Vice-rector for Research and Innovation Khairulla Pulatov and a number of employees of the Institute spoke at the meeting at the Tashkent Chemical Technology Institute.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the implementation of scientific projects in the field of management and vocational education, as well as the joint training of undergraduates and doctoral students and the organization of summer and winter schools.

Irina Kiturko, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, also visited Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. Issues of international cooperation, academic mobility of faculty and students, joint projects in the scientific and academic fields were discussed at the meeting. Following the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation between the two universities was signed.

At the meeting at Tashkent State Transport University, the parties discussed the implementation of joint educational programs. Tashkent colleagues introduced Irina Fedorovna to projects implemented in cooperation with leading universities of the world, current areas of personnel training. The creation of vocational education in accordance with international standards was also discussed.

By the way, the cooperation of the Yanka Kupala University of Grodno with higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan was founded in 2009, when a cooperation agreement was signed with the Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute, now Tashkent State Transport University. In total, there are more than 20

interuniversity agreements between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and universities of Uzbekistan.


The agreement execution took place within the framework of the official visit of the delegation of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Uzbekistan. The visit was full of activities, including a roundtable to sign agreements between the universities of the two countries for more effective cooperation in the field of education.

The delegation included Iryna Kiturka, rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, who signed a cooperation agreement with Madamin Ishmuradov, rector of Urgench Innovative University, and Sadritdin Turabdjanov, rector of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov.

The signed agreements will allow for the expansion of the field of cooperation and the establishment of closer cooperation in the field of science and education, as well as academic exchanges of students and academic staff. This will enrich the educational process and open new opportunities for both parties.

Speaking of which, YKSUG encourages the initiative of Urgench Innovative University for participation in the plenaries and breakouts of the international scientific conference “Major Aspects of Social and Human Sciences in the Development of Modern Sciences”.

International projects unite: Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was visited by the Director of the Institute of Biomechanics and Medical Engineering of Tsinghua University of the People's Republic of China

As part of the implementation of the joint international research project BRFFI-NFENK No. M23KI-014 "Mechanisms of correction by natural compounds and their nanostructured complexes of metabolic disorders in rat liver and heart tissues in diabetes and intoxication", a representative of the Institute of Biomechanics and Medical Engineering held an open lecture and a master class at the Faculty of Biology and Ecology.

The Republic of Belarus and the People's Republic of China successfully cooperate in many areas, including in the field of science and education. The second joint project with Tsinghua University in China is being implemented by employees of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Within the framework of bilateral cooperation, Professor Hu-cheng Zao from Tsinghua University held an open lecture for YKSUG residents "The gating mechanism of mechoselective BK channel" and a seminar "Application of the patch clamp method to determine the conductivity parameters of single mitochondrial channels".

Ilya Borisovich Zavodnik, Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, together with graduate students of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology and a guest from Tsinghua conducted a number of experiments to register the effects of redox-active compounds on the formation of high permeability pores in the mitochondria of the liver and heart of rats, discussed the presentation of the results in the form of joint publications in the journals Journal Membrane Biology, Nanobiology.

Summing up the meeting, Professor Ilya Zavodnik made a presentation on "Regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis and Ca2+-dependent processes in mitochondria of cardiomyocytes", in which he summarized the results obtained during the implementation of the joint project.

YKSUG residents paid a working visit to Tashkent State Law University

Dean of the Faculty of Law Svetlana Cheburanova and Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Maria Zhuk visited Tashkent State Law University. Cooperation with this university is carried out in many areas: the educational process, student science, joint projects, academic mobility of teachers and students.

At a meeting with representatives of the Department for International Cooperation of TSLU, issues of further development of cooperation between the two universities, prospects for training in a joint educational program in the specialty "International Law" were discussed.

Meetings were held with students who study under a joint educational program. During the dialogue, the participants discussed the organization of the educational process, the completion of term papers, and practical training.

YKSUG residents met with teachers of the Department of Criminology and Forensic Examination, during which they got acquainted with the organization of the educational process in the disciplines of the department on the basis of law enforcement agencies. Svetlana Cheburanova and Maria Zhuk told their Tashkent colleagues about the possibility of participating in conferences of the Faculty of Law and scientific events of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. During the discussion of the issues, the parties agreed to continue cooperation in the field of student science and joint preparation of textbooks, internships for teachers. Familiarized with the legal information system " ", which is used in the educational process.

For YKSUG residents, excursions were held at the Museum of the history of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan and at the museum of the statesman Amir Temur.

A scientist from Russia became a participant in a scientific seminar at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The Department of Universal and Slavic History held a scientific and methodological seminar "Prospects for the development of joint project activities: on the role of the Urals in the modernization of industry in Western Belarus in the second half of the twentieth century."

The invited guest was Vladimir Zapariy, Professor of the Department of Russian History at the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin of the Ural Humanitarian Institute. Vladimir Vasilyevich shared his experience in implementing projects in the UGI of the Ural Federal University of Yekaterinburg.

During the seminar, issues related to the role of the Urals, in particular the Sverdlovsk region, in the field of assistance in the restoration of industry in the Western region of Belarus in the post-war period were discussed. Vladimir Zapariy also proposed a possible topic for a joint interdisciplinary project related to the industrial cultural and historical heritage of the BSSR – the Republic of Belarus. The proposal was supported by the participants of the seminar, because the topic is characterized by relevance, low research, high practical significance, and will also attract specialists from different fields of humanitarian knowledge.

According to the participants of the seminar, the priority direction in the development of cooperation should be the preparation and submission of joint project applications to the Russian Scientific Foundation, the BRFFI and the RFBR. The participants agreed that the joint work of Belarusian and Russian scientists in the field of historical knowledge and related sciences will allow developing the scientific potential of the two states, will contribute to strengthening integration processes in the scientific community.

Kaleidoscope of victories: YKSUG residents won the IV International Scientific Research Olympiad

Students from five countries, including the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, and the Republic of Belarus, took part in the research Olympiad on the design of public catering enterprises.

The International Research Olympiad was held on the basis of the Institute of Trade and Services of the Siberian Federal University in a remote format: testing and presentation of research projects.

4th year students of the specialty "Production and catering" of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology adequately represented Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and won a worthy victory in the IV International Research Olympiad on the design of catering enterprises.

Daria Grits was awarded a diploma of the first degree in the nomination "Project of a food enterprise adapted to the urban environment"; Alexander Parakhnevich earned a diploma of the first degree in the nomination "Project of a food enterprise specializing in national cuisine"; Ekaterina Shvetsova received a diploma of the second degree in the nomination "Project of a food enterprise specializing in national cuisine"; Diploma of the third degree Ivan Kuzmich received the nomination "Project of a catering enterprise of social importance"; Anna Zholnerchik was awarded a diploma of the III degree in the nomination "Project of a catering company specializing in national cuisine".

The students demonstrated deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of design, which once again emphasizes the high level of training of young specialists.

Congratulations to the YKSUG residents on their victory!


On 15 January, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno held a meeting with the delegation of Lanzhou Qi Ai Vocational Technical Art College. The reception of the citizens of the People's Republic of China ended with the signing of a co-operation agreement.

The delegation of representatives of the People's Republic of China, executive director of Lanzhou Qi Ai Vocational Technical Art College Sun Jinqiang, director of the International Exchange Department of Lanzhou Qi Ai Vocational Technical Art College Zhang Dequan and mediator Zhang Hengjie.

Alexander Karevsky, First Vice-Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, addressed the participants of the meeting with a welcoming speech. During the meeting, the representatives of the educational establishments presented the educational and scientific potential to each other. Afterwards, a co-operation agreement was concluded.

Both parties expressed hope for the establishment of long-term partnership and exchange of experience in the field of education and art. The signing of the agreement opens new perspectives for students and teachers of the two educational institutions and promotes the development of cultural and scientific ties between Belarus and China.

Representatives of educational establishments will have the opportunity to participate in exchanges, trainings and joint projects, which will enrich their professional experience and raise the level of education in general. The co-operation agreement opens new horizons for the future development of both educational establishments and contributes to the strengthening of friendly relations between the countries.

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