"Reduction of Negative Impact of Alien Invasive Plant Species on Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing in Cross-Border Region of Lithuania -Belarus


Reduction of Negative Impact of Alien Invasive Plant Species on Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing in Cross-border Region of Lithuania-Belarus (Alien Invasive Plants)

Project Duration: 17.10.2018 – 17.07.2020

Project Number: ENI-LLB-1-207

Project status: finished.

Project Members & Partners

  • Public Institution Nature Heritage Fund (Lithuania) – Lead beneficiary and Project coordinator
  • Administration of the Municipality of the region of Varena (Lithuania)
  • Administration of Dzūkija National Park and Čepkeliai Strict Nature Reserve (Lithuania)
  • Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus)
  • Directorate of Agriculture and Food of the Grodno District Executive Committee (Belarus)
  • State Environmental Institution "Republican Landscape Reserve "Ozery" (Belarus)

Overall objective of the project is to improve skills of regional and local authorities as well as other public bodies acting in fields of nature and environment management and capacities to deal with natural and man-made disasters such as a spread of invasive species. To solve this actual BY-LT cross-border problem project aims to promote legal and administrative cooperation between authorities and institutions of the bordering countries in the field of management of spread of alien invasive plant species (hereinafter – AIPS), to improve technical capacities and methods for eradication of AIPS, develop and implement training initiatives, strengthen capacities and increase involvement of local communities in public decision-making and implement processes in the field of preservation, control, management and eradication of AIPS.

Specific objectives of the project will be achieved through share of experience involving local communities and increasing capacity of local and regional authorities and institutions. Planned results of the project will ensure positive changes and sustainable development for these target groups via information and public awareness. Local communities will get familiar with background knowledge as well as specialists will gain skills in prevention, control, management and eradication of alien invasive plant species. Implementation of joint activities will


  • analysis of alien invasive plant species situation in the target areas, its diversity, distribution and risk assessment;
  • preparation of the strategy how to prevent further spread of invasive species and cross-contamination in transboundary and adjacent areas, control and eradicate them where it is possible and economically reasonable;
  • digital interactive map of distribution of alien invasive plant species prepared;
  • unique GIS database will be created. It will further serve as a tool for policy-makers, stakeholders and conservationists for planning and implementation of local eradication action plans of alien invasive plants.
  • selection and demonstration of environmentally friendly, economically reasonable and the most effective methods and tools of invasive alien plant species control and eradication.

Online form for new founded alien invasive plant species: https://arcg.is/0Drb1u

Online Map of alien invasive plant species found by locals https://gpf.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=58d769a494a64ce59062c1c9c0c4475a

Online interactive map of alien invasive plant species dissemination https://gpf.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=b7586087d9c24121b6e1c7b1afb28921

User guide for AIPS interactive map https://fbe.grsu.by/images/fakultet/nauchnaja_rabota/projecty/User_guide_for_AIPS_interactive_map_BY.pdf

Atlas of invasive plant species  


Alien aggressive plant species LT-BY borderlands: studies for the benefit of nature and people (video)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YRF884lIAw&feature=youtu.be

Invasive plant species growing on the territory of the Varna region and Dzukiya National Park (Lithuania) (video)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J848Oa9J1k&feature=youtu.be

The 2014-2020 European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-border Cooperation Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme




Representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the final conference on the project of cross-border cooperation in the field of ecology

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