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Charity fair “Hospitable Belarus” took place at the Faculty of Law

17 teams of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years cooked national meals, decorated exhibits and rehearsed creative performances.

The funds collected during the fair are to be transferred to the Vasilishki Orphanage’s foster-children, which has been a partner of the Faculty of Law since 2012.

The jury, headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Sviatlana Chaburanava, also included the guests of the faculty – Jaroslaw Matwejuk, University of Bialustok Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Cooperation with Eastern Europe Universities, and Piotr Bialas, senior employee of the International Department of University of Bialystok. YKSUG was represented in jury by Vialeta Kurouskaya, leading specialist of the Cultural and Leisure Activities, Volha Piashkun, Chair of the Trade Union Bureau of the Faculty of Law, Pavel Sialiavin, Chair of the student self-government of the Faculty of Law, and Natalya Filon, secretary of BSYU section.

The jury assessed participants by 4 criteria: table making, meals, costumes and announcers’ contest.

The winners were students of the group 173 of the 2nd year of the specialty “Jurisprudence”. Second place was for the group 171 of the 1st year of the specialty “Customs Affairs”, and the last winning place was for the group 64 of the 2nd year of the specialty “Jurisprudence”.

Students and lecturers of YKSUG participated in oblast eventReciting classics together

On 7th September, within the “Fellowship” project implementation, international students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno together with the lecturers of the Department of the Russian as a foreign language participated in oblast event “Reciting classics together”.

The event took place in J.F. Karsky Grodno Oblast Scientific Library. Students and lecturers of YKSUG recited poems of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas in Belarusian, French, Arabic, Turkmen and English.

Favorite verses of classical literary heritage were also recited by honorary guests: Deputy Head of Lenin District Administration of Grodno Aliaksandr Koush, Head of the Logistics and Sales Department of “Molochny Mir” JSC Piotr Pagranousky, Deputy Head of Grodno Oblast Trade Union Organization of JSC Savings Bank Belarusbank Chaslava Muliarchyk.

Projects involving YKSUG have been approved for financing within Erasmus+ programe

Three projects involving Belarusian HEI’s, including two involving YKSUG, within “Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education 2017” Erasmus+ programe were approved for financing as a result of International projects contest 2017

Project «Change in classroom: promoting innovative teaching & learning to enhance student learning experience in eastern partnership countries (PRINTel)» is coordinated by the Yerevan State University (Armenia)/ It is to be performed by the Belarusian and Georgian HEI’s: Belarusian State University, Yanka Kupala State Universty of Grodno and Brest State Technical University. The project is aimed at development of students training process in partner countries, implementation of new technologies in study and teaching, and spreading of frontier experience. Participants 

are to propose options of modernization of higher education system in Armenia, Georgia and Belarus in compliance with the programe of Bologna process, develop cooperation in the field of education between  the European Union and partner countries through the virtual mobility of lecturers and students, and through development of educational means and resources.

Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia) will coordinate the project «Enhancement of lifelong learning in Belarus (BELL)». Among the partners are six HEI’s of Belarus: Brest State Technical University, Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Polotsk State University, Sukhoi Gomel State Technical University, Masherov Vitebsk State University and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Project members are to develop and spread practical implementation of Lifelong Learning concept in the Republic of Belarus on the basis of remote education technologies.

YKSUG hosted a meeting between Temporary Chargé d'affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Belarus and students of the Faculty of history, communication and tourism and Faculty of Philology
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Temporary Chargé d'affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Belarus Paul van Oostveen told YKSUG students about his motherland and answered questions.

The meeting was attended by the students of the specialties “Modern foreign languages” and “Linguistic support of intercultural communications”. Mister Paul van Oostveen told about the history of Netherlands, specifications of geography, contemporary economic situation etc. Besides, Temporary Chargé d'affaires noted Eastern Partnership project, which includes Belarus.

Afterwards, Temporary Chargé d'affaires of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Belarus answered students’ questions. Students asked questions about the difference between residents of different provinces in the Netherlands, what Dutch people know about Belarus and about Dutch sense of humor. Temporary Chargé d'affaires marked, that there were possibilities to join Erasmus+ programe for Netherlands and Belarus.

Staff members of YKSUG participated in International Scientific and Practical Conference “Results and perspectives of development of entomology in Eastern Europe”
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2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Results and perspectives of development of entomology in Eastern Europe” took place on September 6th-8th at The Scientific and Practical Center for Bioresources.

About 80 entomologists from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, among them Aliaksandra Ryzhaya, assoc. prof. of YKSUG Zoology and physiology of humans and animals department, and Katsiaryna Gliakouskaya, laborant of Zoology and physiology of humans and animals department.

Aliaksandra Ryzhaya, organizational committee member, presented her paper “Ground beetles (Сoleoptera, Сarabidae) of peat briquetting plant vicinity (Lida region, Grodno oblast)”, and Katsiaryna Gliakouskaya presented her paper “Linden damaging phytophagous complex (Tilia L.) in green spaces of Grodno Poniemnie”.

Students and lecturers of YKSUG participate in Belarusian-Polish Law Academy13092017 akadem

Joint classes of students and lecturers of YKSUG and University of Bialystok are conducted within the 1st Belarusian-Polish Law Academy

Belarusian-Polish Law Academy began its work on 11th September in Unibversity of Bialystok, YKSUG is represented by 6 students and 2 lecturers of the Faculty of Law.

Joint classes of two universities will last seven days, and during this week participants of the Academy are to study and compare fundamentals of Belarusian and Polish legislation, specifically constitutional, civil and criminal law. According to the words of Jaroslaw Matwejuk,  University of Bialystok Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Cooperation between Eastern Europe Universities, both our countries are into commodities exchange and develop tourism, thus the necessity to know the fundamentals of both countries’ legislation is evident.

On the 14th September the Academy will continue its work in Faculty of Law of YKSUG. Represents of the two universities will attend lectures on civil and criminal law, participate in discussion and student event “Hospitable Belarus”.

Rounding-up and certificate issuing will take place on 16th September.

Diana Glukhava met the leading European jurists within the Human Rights Summer School in Lund (Sweden)


Cooperation between Legal Clinic of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and leading clinics of Belarus allowed Diana join courses at Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.

The student became a participant of study program, which was aimed at development of participants’ practical skills of clients’ representation in the context of legal clinics activities. Besides our student, students of BSU, BSEU, PSU, The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus, MITSO, A.S. Pushkin State University of Brest and other universities participated in the Summer School, as well.

– This summer school included unique lectures and seminars for the clinical students of law faculties of the Republic of Belarus, conducted by the leading jurists of Belarus and Europe

Summer School allowed our student analyze practical experience of clinical legal education in Belarus and abroad.

More news of the Law Faculty here.

Entrants of 2017 were initiated into YKSUG freshmen

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno hosted the initiation ceremony of former entrants into the freshmen. On the 30th August about 600 young people became members of large academic family of alma mater.

Following the tradition, Andrei Karol, the Rector, addressed students, their parents and guests and congratulated them with the coming academic year and Day of Knowledge.

– I congratulate with the beginning of the new stage of your lives, ‑ said Andrei Korol. – Collate between yourselves, create your own, but not the others, spread your vision and content into the world, without refusing historical and cultural heritage. During your study at YKSUG you will create new tasks and goals for yourselves, you will become adult and wise, and you will make new friends who will become loyal companions for you. I wish you do not lose yourselves, your uniqueness, won’t become a cliché, as the main result of the education is the search of oneself. Let the study at YKSUG stay in your memory with bright and joyful events for the rest of your lives. Be happy, remember your alma mater, congratulations to you!

The Rector issued student ID’s to the best freshmen, ones who achieved best scores in tests and entrance tasks. Between them were prizewinners of different stages of countrywide Olympics in school disciplines and school graduates with gold and silver medals.

During the initiation ceremony symbolic student ID and the Key to the Knowledge were given to the 1st year students, Anastasiya Kaliasen and Aliaksei Lipnevich, who got top points during the admission campaign. Pavel Siliavin, 3rd year students of the Law Faculty and member of Student Coordination Board, and Iryna Saulevich, 2nd year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy, congratulated students with the admission to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno:

– You’ve made the right choice – you’ve chosen YKSUG. We hope that the path you’ve chosen will be a success and bring you to the victory. Good luck and success to you!

In turn, freshmen thanked everyone for the support during the admission campaign and expressed their hopes, that student life at YKSUG will be eventful. Freshmen, on behalf of all 1st year students, promised bring the dignifying name of “YKSUG student” with honor and pride.

The ceremony ended with a freshman’s oath. Students swore to bring the name of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno student with dignity, spare no effort to comprehend all fields of science, be worthy heirs of the Belarusian student traditions, be a sample of the honor, dignity, diligence and discipline, take active participation in public, scientific and cultural activities of alma mater, use obtained knowledge to empowerment and prosperity of the Republic of Belarus and be the worthy citizens of our country.

Student of the Faculty of Economics and Management of YKSUG Siamen Sorkin successfully completed traineeship in one of the leading universities of the world

The traineeship took place in Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

– I had a unique possibility to study features of enterprise activities of different organizational types in Israel. I’ve also discovered management structure in economic activity and foreign economic relations, – shared his impressions Siamen.

The work in libraries of Hebrew University, and National Library of Israel helped YKSUG student gather information for scientific conferences and diploma paper.

More news of the Faculty of Economics and Management here.

Improving knowledge in the field of programming and meet-up at HTP: how a student from Tunisia completed traineeship on the Faculty of Economics and Management of YKSUG

Traineeship took place in August, 2017 within IAESTE project at the Department of Mathematical and Informational Support of Economic Systems.

During her stay at the Faculty of the Economy and Management, Irad Chammam, student from Tunisia, got acquainted with Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarusian educational system and got new knowledge in the field of programming. That was also a result of a meet-up@Grodno branch of Hi-tech Park, dedicated to the data analysis with R (“Comparison of standard of living of Polish regions and North Africa countries”).

Master students of “Applied computer data analysis” took part in the meet-up. Together with the represents of IT sphere and YKSUG lecturers they’ve discussed possibilities, problems and perspectives of information support, use of software and mathematical methods for analysis and management in social and economic, technical and other systems.

It shall be mentioned, that in April, 2017 students of the Faculty of Economics and Management together with the represents of HEI’s and research organizations from different countries participated in International Research and Study Programming School «R for solving statistical problems and visualization» in YKSUG.

More news of the Faculty of Economics and Management here.


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