Wednesday, 10 November 2021 16:55

10 unique stands about the famous writer Eliza Orzeszkowa were installed in Grodno

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10 unique stands about the famous writer Eliza Orzeszkowa were installed in Grodno


Within the international cross-border project of the Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020, 10 unique stands dedicated to Eliza Orzeszkowa were installed in Grodno. The stands telling about life and work are located in different parts of the city: in the microdistrict Vishnevets, in the Rumlevsky park, on the Parizhskoy Kommuny street, Karla Marxa street, Karbysheva street and Elizy Ozheshko street. Each location in one way or another is connected with life or work of the famous writer, or with her perpetuation, says «Grodno Plus».

Stands, reminiscent of history, began to appear on the streets of Grodno back in 2017. The first stands told Grodno residents and its guests about the history of lost and restored architectural monuments. Another set of information stands were devoted to the city's industry, significant manufactories and factories that used to be located in Grodno, but even the residents themselves haven’t heard about them much: a bicycle factory, a fruit jelly factory, a playing card factory and many others. The third set of stands is dedicated to the city's significant figure - Eliza Orzeszkowa. The symbolic opening of tourist information stands took place exactly at her monument. These stands will undoubtedly expand the cultural and tourist landscape of our city.

Information for each stand was collected literally bit by bit in order to fill each stand with unique facts.

The stands are issued in different languages: Russian, Belarusian, Polish and English. All 10 stands have a common design, but different portraits of Eliza Orzeszkowa. If you take a look at each stand, you can see the real iconography of Eliza Orzeszkowa immortalized at different ages. There are old photographs from the writer’s times, which show how Grodno looked at that timfe, almost a century ago. There are also photographs of people Eliza Orzeszkowa was familiar with as well as images of herbariums she collected.

The link to a video:

As the project manager emphasizes, the next step will be a launch of a website dedicated to Eliza Orzeszkowa. The website will be filled with information and photos about the famous writer.

This idea is going to be implemented by the end of this summer. The launch of the website does not mean the end of the project. Cross-border tourist routes will be drawn up in cooperation with partners from Bialystok. The routes will allow to get acquainted with different locations related to the biography of Eliza Orzeszkowa within one guided tour. It will be the final stage of the international cross-border project, which is planned for one year.

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Read 9280 times Last modified on Friday, 12 November 2021 01:57
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