Thursday, 15 March 2018 14:45

2nd International seminar

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2nd International seminar, 21-22 March, 2018


Program 1, 2 (rus/eng)


Belarus State Economic University in cooperation with Baltic Sea Region University Network Minsk (Belarus) Seminar Objectives: 1. To examine various views of the role of higher education in preparing graduates for works in Belarus 2. To discuss the teaching and learning approaches in Belarusian universities 3. To disseminate the relevance in the use of innovative approaches in teaching and learning for the Higher Education System, and in specific for the Belarusian one. 4. To foster relationships and lines of communication with external stakeholders Venue: Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Partizansky Prospect, 26, building 1, room 407 Language: Translations services for Russian and English.
Date: Wednesday 21st March, 2018
09:00 Registration 09:30 Opening Act Victor Sadovsky (5’) Serhei Kasperovich (5’)
BSEU Vice-Rector Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Andrea Wiktorin (5’) Ambassador, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Belarus Kari Hyppönen (5’) BSRUN President Adela García Aracil (5’) FOSTERC Project Coordinator– “Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education 10:00 Session I: Sustainable and Prosperous Region Based on a Thriving Higher Education Maira Mora (20’ presenting, 10’ discussion) Ambassador, Director General of the Secretariat, Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)
10:30 Session II: FOSTERC PROJECT Valentina Simkhovich (10’ presenting, 5’ discussion) The process of collecting data
Belarus State Economic University
José Ginés Mora (10’ presenting, 5’ discussion) Main results of the surveys
OxCHEPS, University of Oxford & USSL
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Session III: Case Studies of University Cooperation with Belarusian HEIs Irinja Paakkanen & Mari Leino (20’ presenting) Strategy in mobility as a catalyst for internationalisation: Case of the University of Turku Head of International Affairs, University Impact and Engagement; Planning Officer, Research Development University of Turku
Aleksander Karlik (20’ presenting) Cooperation of SPbGEU and Belarusian universities in the scientific sphere as a tool to improve the efficiency of economy of the Union State
Head of Department of Economy and Management of Enterprises and Industrial Complexes, UNECON
Dr. Ilona Baumane-Vitolina (20’ presenting) University as an active player in innovation ecosystem: some examples from Latvia and Estonia and possibilities for replication elsewhere
Department of Global Economics Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Business, Management and Economics. University of Latvia
Sergey Maskevich (20’ presenting) Experience and new educational projects of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of BSU in the international cooperation development
Director of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University
13:00 Lunch (paid by participants)
14:30 Session IV: Showing General Results of FOSTERC surveys Prof. José Ginés Mora & Maica Bas Graduates, Teachers and Employers Results (1h.15 presenting, 15’ discussion) University Solutions, SL
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Session V: Case Studies of Graduates, Teachers and Employers – Synergies with other European project Prof. Harald Schomburg Key Issues and International Experiences of Tracer Studies (45’ presenting, 15’ discussion) Centre for Research on Higher Education and Work, University of Kassel 17:30 Adjournment
Date: Thuesday 22nd March, 2018
09:30 Registration 10:00 Session VI: Belarusian specific forward analysis of FOSTERC database Igor Titovich (15’) Relevance of higher education to the requirements of labour market in Belarus National Institute of Higher Education
Alexandra Pozniak (15’) From teaching to learning: methods and technologies
Alexander Rytov (15’) Belarusian graduates’ study related experience abroad: FOSTERC survey outcomes
Belarusian State Pedagogical University
Belarusian State University
Alena Doryna, Tatiana Bukhovets (15’) Quality of training graduates: employers’ view
Belarus State Economic University
11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Session VII: Belarusian specific forward analysis of FOSTERC database Tatiana Kovalchuk (15’) Quality of learning as evaluated by graduates and teachers: comparative analysis Brest State University
Yuri Bialykh (15’) Competency assessment: organization of the survey and results Alexander Sviridov (15’) Graduates of the agricultural profile: formation of competences
Nadezhda Bareyka (15’) Analysis of teachers’ survey for enhancing didactics and methodology
Grodno State University
Grodno State Agrarian University
Polotsk State University
Mikhail Koshman (15’) Reflection of the experience of applying the competencebased approach in training graduates within the cluster approach

Gomel State University
12:45 Session VIII: Training workshops results in Belarusian participating universities
Adela García Aracil (20`) NGENIO (CSIC-UPV)
Danguole Salavejiene (20’) LEU
13:15 Closing Act
14:30 Internal FOSTERC meeting




Belarus State Economic University Baltic Sea Region University Network Minsk, Republic of Belarus 21-22 March, 2018

Dear colleagues, We invite you to participate in II International seminar “Quality of higher education in Belarus with the stakeholders eyes” organized on the basis of Belarusian State Economic University in the framework of the international technical assistance project “Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education (FOSTERC)” of ERASMUS+ programme. Seminar objectives: 1. To examine various views of the role of higher education in preparing graduates for works in Belarus. 2. To discuss the teaching and learning approaches in Belarusian universities. 3. To disseminate the relevance in the use of innovative approaches in teaching and learning for the Belarusian Higher Education System. 4. To foster relationships and lines of communication with external stakeholders. This seminar is a joint event of the FOSTERC project and the Baltic Sea Region Universities Network (BSRUN). It aims at discussing best practices of cooperation of Belarusian universities with the Network participants, as well as the results of surveying graduates, teachers of Belarusian universities and employers of the republic. Analyzing the opinions of the given stakeholders in higher professional education will make it possible to identify bottlenecks in training graduates in the
context of the introduction of a competence-based approach and formation of graduates’ competencies, as well as in interaction of educational institutions and employers. Scientists, teachers, employers, specialists in the field of education, innovative educational technologies, as well as those interested in implementing high-quality training of graduates of HEIs are invited to participate in the seminar.
Dates of the seminar: 21-22 March, 2018 Working languages: Russian and English (simalteneous translation) Venue: Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Partizansky Prospect, 26, building 1, room 407 Organizer: Belarus State Economic University Contact persons: Valentina Simkhovich mobile tel.:+375 29 688 49 39 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Diana Shokanova mobile tel.: +375 44 733 02 42 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The participants / sending party cover the expenses for travel, accommodation and meals.

Participants should register on the till 18 March, 2018

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