
specialties (272)

Political Science


of history, communication and tourism


7-06-0312-01 Political Science

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year

Part-time – 1,5 year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Innovative research in political sciences in the Republic of Belarus; Methods of political analysis and modern digital technologies; Tools for the formation, implementation and evaluation of public policy; Political networks: theory and methodology of analysis; Public policy in the field of information security; The power of network communication; Information warfare in the Internet space; Network policy: institutions, actors, processes; European integration; Eurasian integration; Global problems in the modern world: political aspect; International terrorism: socio-political aspect; Social policy of the state: international experience and national realities;

Politics and ideology: institutions, subjects, norms, meanings

Main competencies that the graduate will have

- be able to apply the methods of scientific knowledge in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas;

- be able to analyze political decisions, assess their possible consequences, offer scientific and innovative ways and ways to resolve political situations;

- to build the trajectory of professional development and career in research, pedagogical and scientific innovation activities; to be able to apply in-depth theoretical,

- methodological and practical knowledge and skills to solve advanced professional tasks in the field of public policy and management, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in scientific research of political institutions and processes, possess tools for the formation and implementation of public policy

Area of future professional occupation

- activities in parent organizations;

- management consulting;

- research and development;

- public administration;

- education; auxiliary educational services;

- activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

  • Additional interview in academic disciplines




of economics and management


7-06-0412-04 Marketing

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year

Part-time – 1,5 year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Marketing analysis

Retail Marketing

Modern strategic analysis

Digital Marketing

Business leadership

Information support of marketing solutions

Investment and Innovation Management

Main competencies that the graduate will have

- development of a strategy for engaging and retaining consumers using offline and online tools

- development and implementation of a strategy based on strategic analysis and web analytics

- the use of global marketing tools in practice

- development of an effective pricing policy to achieve the commercial and other goals of the organization, etc.

Area of future professional occupation

Brand Manager, marketing analyst, marketing economist, Sales Manager, Marketing Research Manager

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

  • Additional interview in academic disciplines






of economics and management


7-06-0412-01 Management

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year

Part-time – 1,5 year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

  • Project management

  • Strategic management

  • Information technology in business

  • The economic strategy of the organization

  • Personnel management and corporate culture

  • Modern strategic analysis

  • Creative management

  • Innovative management

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • To provide communication, to show leadership skills, to be capable of team building and the development of strategic goals and objectives

  • Be able to predict the conditions for the implementation of professional activities and solve professional tasks in conditions of uncertainty

  • Make management decisions, assess their possible consequences and be responsible for them

  • To develop options for management decisions and justify their choice taking into account the requirements of international and national standards in the field of environmental management and auditing, to form the environmental policy of the organization

Area of future professional occupation

  • Higher education and scientific research

  • Change management and strategic planning

  • General public administration

  • Managing people and resources

  • Managing the sustainable development of the organization

  • Information management and analytics

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

  • Additional interview in academic disciplines



Applied physics


Physics and Technology Faculty


7-06-0533-02 «Applied physics»

Academic degree



Modern methods and measuring instruments

Duration of study

Full-time – 2 years

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Technical applications of theoretical physics.

Mathematical methods in physics.


Technologies of modern experiment.

Methods and equipment of physical measurements.

Metrology and standardization

Main competencies that the graduate will have

Apply the methods of scientific knowledge in research and project activities, generate and implement innovative ideas.

Create mathematical models of physical phenomena, use computational experiment methods to analyze and develop the created models.

To develop the optimal technology of the experiment, to choose methods and measuring instruments to obtain reliable experimental data describing the processes under study in the required volume

Area of future professional occupation

Scientific research and development in the field of physics and information and measurement technology.

Natural science and technical education

Entrance tests

•       Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 

•       Additional interview in academic disciplines

Physical Education and Sport 


of physical education


7-06-1012-01 Physical Education and Sport

Academic degree



Pedagogical activity in health-improving and adaptive physical culture

Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year 

Part-time – 1,5 year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Pedagogy and psychology of higher education;

Social and communicative technologies in professional activity;

Information technologies and mathematical statistics in physical culture and sports;

Modern problems of physical culture and sports;

Modern control technologies in the practice of physical culture and sports;

Psychology of a healthy lifestyle;

Medical and biological aspects of physical culture and sports;

Physiological basis of muscular activity;


Kinesiology as the basis of health and adaptive physical culture;

Comprehensive medical and pedagogical control in health-improving and adaptive physical culture;

Modern technologies of health-improving physical culture;

Integrated and inclusive adaptive physical education;

Modern types of health-improving physical culture;

Private methods of adaptive physical culture for people of different ages;

Technology of programming of health-improving classes;

Features of sports training of persons with disabilities;

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • Be able to apply the methods of scientific knowledge in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas
  • Be able to carry out pedagogical activities in educational institutions, master and implement effective educational and information and communication technologies, pedagogical innovations
  • Have the ability to critically analyze and assessment of modern scientific achievements, generation of new knowledge in solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields
  • Possess the methodology of scientific cognition, be able to analyze and evaluate the content and level of philosophical and methodological problems in solving problems of research and innovation
  • Be able to independently identify and analyze significant scientific and practical problems in the professional field of physical education and sports
  • Be able to direct all types of professional activities to promote a healthy lifestyle of various groups of the population, to form a physical culture of the individual
  • Be able to use theoretical knowledge about laws and mechanisms of human development, its anatomical and physiological, biomechanical, and psychosomatic features of life activity in the conditions of sports and physical culture and recreational activities for solving practical research tasks;
  •  Be able to independently develop complex wellness and correctional programs for various groups of the population;
  • Be able to manage the process of physical

education of persons engaged in adaptive physical culture, taking into account age and health status;

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Additional interview in academic disciplines

Construction Enginnering


of engineering 


7-06-0732-01 «Construction Enginnering»

Academic degree




Duration of study

Full-time – 2 years

Language of study

Russian, English

Main subjects studied

  • Theory and practice of ensuring reliability, safety and durability of structures, buildings and structures
  • Innovative methods and technologies in the design of building structures of buildings
  • Innovative methods and technologies in the organization, construction and manufacture of building structures of buildings
  • Computer-aided design and modeling
  • Experiment planning and statistical processing of experimental data
  • Management culture and psychology of business communication

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • to use innovative methods and technologies in the design, organization, construction and manufacture of building structures of buildings and structures, the foundations of industrial and civil buildings;
  • use modern instrumentation and promising methods of non-destructive testing for monitoring and diagnostics of the condition of construction products, structures, buildings and structures;
  • use modern software systems for design, 3D modeling, development of information models of industrial and civil facilities, use the knowledge gained to solve practical, research and innovation tasks;
  • apply knowledge of the organization of design and survey and production activities to solve professional tasks

Area of future professional occupation

  • activities in the field of architecture, engineering surveys, technical tests and analysis;
  • higher education;
  • research and development;
  • building construction;
  • civil engineering;
  • special construction works;

Entrance tests

  • INTERVIEW to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction (Russian, English);
  • INTERVIEW in academic disciplines: architecture; construction mechanics; building materials science;



of engineering 


7-06-0412-03 Logistics

Academic degree




Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year

Language of study

Russian, English

Main subjects studied

Economics of logistics systems, theoretical economics, information technologies in logistics, methods of business process analysis, functional complex of logistics, reverse logistics.

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • to plan transport operations taking into account optimization of

logistics processes of transport systems;

  • to apply the principles of customs logistics to improve the

efficiency of the organization;

  • to apply the principles of reverse logistics in supply chains and

select effective methods of return flow management;

  • to develop and implement an organization development strategy

based on a logistical approach. 

Area of future professional occupation

– to freight forwarding and logistics companies;

– to transport and logistics centers;

– to the enterprises of the transport complex;

– in organizations providing customs services and other.

Entrance tests

  • INTERVIEW to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction (Russian, English);
  • INTERVIEW in academic disciplines: architecture; construction mechanics; building materials science;



of engineering 


7-06-0715-01 Transport

Academic degree



Technical operation of vehicles

Duration of study

Full-time – 1year

Language of study

Russian, English

Main subjects studied

Information technologies in transport systems, economic assessment of design solutions in transport, research work, disciplines of profilisation.

Main competencies that the graduate will have

– to apply mathematical methods for decision-making in the design of transport system facilities;

  • to possess knowledge of the theory of automobiles and be able to

apply them in the technical operation of vehicles;

– to possess knowledge about management and regulation in technical systems of cars;

– to master the basics of creating efficient, reliable, economical and environmentally friendly wheeled and tracked vehicles and ensuring scientific and technological progress in this area.

Area of future professional occupation

– technical services of motor transport and car repair enterprises;

– transport workshops of factories and companies;

– car service organizations.

Entrance tests

  • INTERVIEW to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction (Russian, English);
  • INTERVIEW in academic disciplines: architecture; construction mechanics; building materials science;

Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering


of engineering 


7-06-0714-02 Innovative Technologies in Mechanical Engineering

Academic degree



Construction Materials Processing in Machinery Manufacturing

Duration of study

Full-time – 2 years

Language of study

Russian, English

Main subjects studied

Mathematical foundations of innovative engineering solutions, physical and technical foundations of the formation of innovative technologies in mechanical engineering, pedagogy and psychology of higher education

Main competencies that the graduate will have

– to apply highly efficient technologies, effective methods for obtaining blanks, machine parts, methods of volumetric and surface hardening of machine parts to increase their service life, taking into account their operating conditions;

– to develop technological processes for manufacturing parts using additive methods, taking into account the limitations of the technologies used to ensure the required quality and the specifics of the practical use of additive technologies at the production stage of the product life cycle;

– to use knowledge about the physical foundations of nanotechnology and concentrated energy flows, new materials and prospects for their development in the design of highly efficient technological processes for the manufacture of machine parts.

Area of future professional occupation

– departments and workshops of machine-building enterprises;

– design and research organizations;

– product certification and licensing services;

– commercial and administrative structures for the maintenance of equipment and the sale of products on the domestic and international market.

Entrance tests

  • INTERVIEW to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction (Russian, English);
  • INTERVIEW in academic disciplines: architecture; construction mechanics; building materials science;

Artistic and aesthetic education


of arts and design


7-06-0113-06Artistic and aesthetic education

Academic degree



Fine Arts

Duration of study

Full-time – year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Innovative methods and techniques of performing pictorial and graphic works; Artistic styles in plastic arts;

Innovative models for the development of theory and methods of teaching fine arts;

Marketing and creative project management.

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  1. Provide communication, demonstrate leadership skills, be capable of team building and the development of strategic goals and objectives;
  2. To develop and implement mechanisms and means of creating a poly-artistic educational environment in educational institutions, to ensure the participation of gifted and talented students in competitions, festivals, creative research works, projects;
  3. Apply modern art education systems, use the educational potential of fine arts for sustainable development;
  4. Develop and implement innovative pedagogical models and projects in the field of art education, apply modern technologies and techniques in teaching fine arts.

Area of future professional occupation

Educational institutions: general secondary education, secondary specialized education, higher education, additional education for children and adults.

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction 
  • Additional interview in academic disciplines
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