A student of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno became a prize–winner of the International competition "VAT Expert - 2023"

A team of 3rd year students of the Faculty of Economics and Management Nadezhda Vydra, Ekaterina Ezepchik, Angelina Karachenko, Daria Oleshkevich and Yana Tolochko, under the guidance of senior lecturer of the Department of Finance and Accounting Natalia Potocka, took part remotely in the International competition "VAT Expert – 2023".

According to the results of the International competition "VAT Expert – 2023" in the nomination "Fundamentals of VAT", the 3rd place was won by a 3rd-year student of the specialty "Finance and Credit" of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno  Nadezhda Vydra.

The organizer of the competition was the St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design. 17 higher educational institutions from 4 countries – Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan - took part in the International Competition. A total of 137 students took part in the competition, including 50 people participated in the face–to-face round and 87 - remotely.

The team of participants of the competition was awarded with certificates, and the team leader and the head of the Department of Finance and Accounting were awarded with letters of thanks.

Congratulations to the winners and participants of the contest and wish them further success!


A visiting professor from India gave lectures at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

As part of the "Visiting Professor" program, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science was visited by the Director of the Institute of Engineering and Management of Sandip University, Director of International Relations of Sandip University (Republic of India), Professor Deepak Pandurang Patil.

The professor gave lectures in English for students of the specialty "Information Technology Software". The prospects for the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, big data analysis and processing technologies were presented to the students. During the visit, Professor Deepak Patil met with Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Liavontsi Paulau, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Elena Livak, Head of the Department of International Cooperation Olga Minova, Head of the Education Internationalization Centre  Elena Belokoz, Head of the Department of Modern Programming Technologies Anna Karkanitsa and the staff of the Department, Head of the research department Anton Glazev and Head of the Technology Transfer Center – Elena Opekun

Preliminary agreements have been reached on the organization of a summer IT school for students from India at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, prospects for designing a joint educational program and scientific cooperation have been outlined. The guest also met with foreign students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, representatives of the fraternity of foreign students, visited the science and Technology Park, participated in a student battle in mathematics and programming, organized for 1st year students of the specialty "Information Technology Software".

For the foreign guest, an excursion to the Museum of the History of the Development of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, an excursion to the historical sights of the city of Grodno, a visit to the agrotouristic complex "Garadzenski Maentak" were organized. Professor Deepak Patil admired the concept of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno as a museum university, and left a memorable entry in the guest book of the university.

A representative of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno takes part in the exposition of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus "Education and Career" in Tajikistan.


The head of the Education Internationalization Centre Elena Belokoz, as part of the delegation, takes part in the thematic collective exposition of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus "Education and Career" within the framework of the IX International Exhibition-Fair "Russian-Belarusian Education. Tajikistan-2023".

Belarus is represented by ten educational institutions at the exhibition. Graduates of Tajik schools and students of higher educational institutions can get acquainted with the educational potential of the country, programs and conditions of study in Belarusian universities. Cooperation between Belarus and Tajikistan in the field of education is actively developing both in the context of direct interaction between educational institutions of the two countries and in the fields of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The fair was open for three days. From May 20 to May 21 in Dushanbe, and on May 23 she moved to the city of Khujand, Sughd region.

The scientific and educational experience and potential of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno were presented at the fair, opportunities for training at the preparatory department, undergraduate and graduate educational programs, postgraduate studies, as well as opportunities for participation in scientific and educational events were presented. Foreign colleagues were informed about the educational and scientific potential of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno signed memoranda with education institutions in Zimbabwe

The signing took place during the visit to the Republic of Belarus of a delegation of educational institutions and organizations of Zimbabwe headed by the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Innovation, Science and Technological Development of the country Amon Murvira. The meeting was held at the Ministry of Education of Belarus. The national system was represented by the heads of higher education institutions headed by Minister Andrei Ivanets.

On the part of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University of Grodno, the first Vice-rector Aleksandr Karevskiy took part in the signing ceremony of interuniversity documents.

A memorandum of understanding was signed between Harare Polytechnic College and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, as well as a memorandum of understanding between Mindland State University and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.

The residents of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno showed high results at the international conference of young scientists

Undergraduates of the Faculty of Psychology Marianna Lebedeva and Ekaterina Kachinskaya took part in the XVII All-Russian Scientific Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Psychology and the Modern World". The subject of vital activity in modern society".

Marianna Lebedeva, under the scientific guidance of Candidate of Psychological Sciences Olga Mitrofanova, took first place in the section "Psychology of higher school students" with the topic "Features of coping strategies for students of different professions".

Ekaterina Kachinskaya, under the scientific supervision of Konstantin Karpinsky, Doctor of Psychology, took second place in the section "Psychology of Higher school students" with the topic "Semantic analysis of the place and role of educational and professional activities in the life of students".

Congratulations to the Kupala residents on a successful performance!

The head of the Department of Botany of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno has completed an internship at the Tajik National University


From April 17 to 23, Oleg Sozinov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Botany, held an internship at the Tajik National University, where he discussed with colleagues from Dushanbe debatable issues on the opening of joint educational programs, gave lectures in the field of botanical resource studies. Visits were also made to the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and to the scientific mining and botanical station located on the Hissar ridge.

During a week of intensive work, a productive acquaintance with the structural divisions of the university and faculties took place. Oleg Sozinov visited the pharmaceutical and biological faculties, as well as the joint faculty of TNU with universities of the Republic of Belarus.

Agreements were discussed on the implementation of activities in the field of education and science, including participation in international conferences of Kupala University, in particular, "APE" and "Zoological Readings". It was about attending lectures and seminars in order to study teaching methods and identify current problems, scientific ideas and practice-oriented opportunities in the field of biotechnology and international cooperation.

The plans include familiarization with the teacher-student interaction system for further implementation of the experience gained, studying the features of the organization of the educational process taking into account the digitalization of education.

Oleg Viktorovich made a presentation about the educational and scientific potential, specifics and scope of activity in the laboratories and Herbarium of the Faculty of Biology and Ecology, and also held a constructive discussion with colleagues from TNU on the creation of SOP for bachelor's and master's degrees.

Oleg Sozinov also paid a visit to the Institute of Botany, Plant Physiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and to the scientific mining and Botanical station located on the Hissar ridge. It is planned to create a joint Atlas on medicinal plants of Tajikistan (Volume 2) with colleagues, as well as joint scientific research of flora and vegetation.

In addition, Oleg Viktorovich gave an interview to the first television channel of Tajikistan. In the first part, he spoke about the current results of work under the internship program, as a result of which preliminary agreements were obtained on the opening of joint educational programs. Oleg Viktorovich also expressed his impressions about the country and in particular Dushanbe. You can read the interview here (Озеленение Душанбе. Взгляд иностранных учёных. - YouTube) and here (Интервью заведующего кафедры ботаники Гродненского университета - YouTube).

An International Cooperation Agreement between Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Institute of Social and Political Sciences (Uzbekistan) was signed on 28.04.2023


A solemn signing ceremony was held online. The ceremony was attended by the Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka and the Rector of Institute of Social and Political Sciences Umid Mahmudov

During the meeting, partners have presented their educational and scientific potential as well as possible areas of cooperation.

The signed agreement regulates cooperation in the field of science and education, as well as in the use of best practices and introduction of scientific research results into the teaching process, establishment of academic, scientific and cultural relations, development of scientific potential and provision of high quality professional training of specialists on the basis of the principles of equality, mutual benefit, mutual understanding, respect, and trust.

This agreement provides for development and strengthening of research and academic partnership. The parties plan to organize joint conferences, meetings and seminars, implement joint research and development projects and programs.

A delegation of Dalian University of Technology visited Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno


Representatives of Dalian University of Technology, Belarusian State University and Dalian University of Technology Joint Institute arrived at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in order to get acquainted with the university and establish partnership in various areas.

The delegation included the Vice Dean of BSU-DUT Joint Institute Guo Shuhong and the following members of Dalian University of Technology: Vice Dean of School of Mathematical Sciences Liu Liu, Professor of School of Marine Engineering Hong Ming, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Mechanics Lyu Yongtao.

The official part of the visit began with the welcoming speech of the YKSUG’s Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Leontij Pavlov. Vice-Rector for Research Andrey Pranevich, Dean of the Physico-Technical Faculty Henadzi Hachko, head of the department of Fundamental and Applied mathematics Rovba Eugene and other employees took part in the meeting as well.

In turn, foreign colleagues presented educational potential of Dalian University of Technology and Joint institute. Both sides are willing to establish mutually beneficial cooperation in the fields of science, education and culture. 

During excursion around the University, members of the foreign delegation got acquainted with the history of our university and left memorable records in the Honorary Guest Book.

Representatives of Dalian University of Technology, Belarusian State University and Dalian University of Technology Joint Institute also visited Electrophysical Measurement Laboratory.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was visited by a delegation from Dalian Polytechnic University

Representatives of  Dalian Polytechnic University, a joint institute of the Belarusian State University and Dalian Polytechnic University arrived at Yanka  Kupala State  University of Grodno in order to get acquainted and establish partnerships in various areas.’

The delegation included Guo Shuhong, Deputy Dean of the Joint Institute of Belarusian State University and Dalian Polytechnic University, Liu Liu, Deputy Dean of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of Dalian Polytechnic University, Hong Ming, Professor of the Institute of Marine Engineering of Dalian Polytechnic University, Liu Yantao, Professor of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Dalian Polytechnic University.

The official part of the visit began with a welcoming speech by Liavontsi Paulau, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Yanka  Kupala State University of Grodno.Vice-Rector for Research Work Andrey Pranevich, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology Gennady Gachko, Head of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Evgeny Rovba and other interested persons also took part in the meeting from the Yanka  Kupala State  University of Grodno. Gennady Gachko, Evgeny Rovba, as well as Associate Professor of the Department of  Finance and Accounting Svetlana Vitun stopped in more detail on the educational and scientific opportunities of  Yanka Kupala State  University of Grodno.

In turn, foreign colleagues introduced the Belarusian side to the educational opportunities of Dalian Polytechnic University, a joint institute of the Belarusian State University and Dalian Polytechnic University. In the discussion that followed, the parties expressed interest in establishing cooperation in the scientific, educational and cultural spheres.

During a sightseeing tour of the university, members of the foreign delegation got acquainted with the history of the creation and development of the Yanka  Kupala State  University of Grodno, left memorable entries in the book of honored guests.

A visit to the laboratory of "Electrophysical Measurements" was organized for representatives of Dalian Polytechnic University, a joint institute of the Belarusian State University and Dalian Polytechnic University.

Link to the official website of Dalian Polytechnic University: http://international.dlpu.edu.cn/

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