Prof. Alexandr Markarov, Deputy Vice-rector for Science Policy and International Cooperation, Head of International Cooperation Department of Yerevan State University visited Faculty of Law within the “Visiting Professor” program.

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Prof. Alexandr Markarov, Political Science Doctor, Deputy Vice-rector for Science Policy and International Cooperation, Head of International Cooperation Department of Yerevan State University conducted lectures for the students from the Faculty of Law of YKSUG within the “Visiting Professor” program.

– During the lectures our guest told about topical issues of legal globalistics, modern international public law, legal sociology, history of state and law of the foreign countries,  – told the students.

During his visit, Alexandr Markarov met with Yury Bialykh, YKSUG Vice-rector for Academic Affairs The parties discussed fields of future collaboration and agreed to develop cooperation within educational and scientific fields. During the meeting with Sviatlana Chaburanava, the Dean of the Faculty of Law, they discussed on future directions of educational and scientific and research fields.

More news of the Faculty of Law



Students from 5 faculties of YKSUG visited Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok


Study visit to the polish HEI was organized due to cooperation program between Physico-Technical Faculty of YKSUG and Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok.

44 of YKSUG students from Physico-Technical Faculty, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Arts and Design, Faculty of Economics and Management, and Faculty of Philology undertook the trip to the University of Bialystok.

– During the visit we discovered Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok infrastructure, and also visited scientific and educational laboratories, told the students. Moreover, we were told about priority directions of scientific researches and study possibilities there, including joint training program between Physico-Technical Faculty of YKSUG and Faculty of Physics of the University of Bialystok.

Click here for more news of the Physico-Technical Faculty.

International students of YKSUG and listeners of the Pre-university training faculty for the first time took part in Inter-university Festival of national cultures at BSU

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This year festival was held at Belarusian State University for the 6th time, and it gathered international students from Belarusian HEI’s. The event was also attended by honorable guests – representatives of the foreign states embassies to the Republic of Belarus.

Among the participants of the festival were also international students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and listeners of the Pre-university training faculty from China.

– Our students performed a beautiful and atmospheric vocal and dancing sho w,– told Elena Zdanovich, lead specialist of the International Students and Academic Mobility office. – The BSU Lyceum gathered young people from different countries. They all performed musical and dancing shows, which reflected unique color of the national cultures of Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, Iran, Turkmenistan, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon and Tajikistan.

Representatives of YKSUG were given a member diploma of Inter-university festival of the national cultures at YKSUG and were also given souvenir gifts from the festival organizers



The first Inter-university festival of national cultures was organized at Belarusian State University in 2008 among the international students from Minsk HEI’s. Now, this event gathers international students from all regions of Belarus.

The Festival is being organized by BSU campus with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus once a two years. As the organizers say, the event is aimed to strengthen international relations, spiritual connection of students and development of their artistic potential.

Belarus is in Erasmus Student Network now: YKSUG is the starting point of the ESN in Belarus

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That fact become known on 11 December, during the meeting of national representatives of International Exchange Erasmus Students Network  at Krakow (Poland). Our country had been represented by YKSUG students – SUNet International Student Initiative Club

Till that time, Belarus had a candidate status for 6 months. Our country got the candidate status after YKSUG students applied for, and made a presentation at national representatives meeting at Warsaw in spring 2016. For Belarus to become an ESN member, active students of YKSUG familiarized network Vice-president Matthew Clemo, who visited ouralma mater in November, with the potential of our University.

It worth mentioning that membership in International Exchange Erasmus Student Network gives a range of advantages. First of all, this membership will raise the attractiveness of Yanka Kupala State University for international students. Belarusian students now have an opportunity to take part in international student conferences and seminars, practice foreign languages, make new personal and professional contacts throughout the world, permanently evolve in different fields. Every member of the network has an ESN-Card, which grants discounts for transport tickets, study literature and extras for exchange students. Moreover, Erasmus Student Network assists in internationalization of the students who never took part in academic mobility.

International Exchange Erasmus Student Network is the biggest non-profit students association in Europe.

ESN mission is to represent interests of international students and exchange students, distribution of opportunities for intercultural understanding and self-development “student helps student”-way.

For now ESN has presence in more than 525 HEI’s from 40 countries: it involves more than 14, 500 active members and so-called supervisors, who take care of international students during their mobilities. ESN unites over 34,000 young people, who daily share their help with international students.



Officers of law-enforcement bodies of Grodno Voblast conducted an informational lecture for the international students of YKSUG

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Informational lecture, dedicated to the rights and obligations of the foreign citizens within the territory of the Republic of Belarus, took place on 1st December, 2016 in Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

The meeting was attended by undergraduates, Master students and listeners of the Pre-university Training Faculty, natives of Iraq.

The lecture was performed by Olga Geniush, citizenship and migration inspector of Leninski Department of Internal Affairs of Grodno, and Valeriy Sakovich, Deputy-Head of the Grodno Internal Affairs Department on Transport of Grodno Executive Committee Internal Affairs Administration.

The officers of law-enforcement bodies of Grodno familiarized students with the rules and laws, which concern their stay in Belarus, during the “round table”. Students in turn asked several questions concerning registration, visas and employment possibilities while studying.

As a result, Olga Geniush noted, that such a form of meeting allows to conduct a fruitful conversation and open dialogue.

YKSUG and Chongqing University of Technology (China) to begin joint training of undergraduates, Master students and Ph. D. students

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The announcement has been made on 29 November during the delegation of the Mathematics and IT department of Chongqing University of Technology visit to Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Yury Bialykh, Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, greeted the delegation

–  Our universities have long mutual relations. Former mutual visits of Rectors determined the direction of cooperation for our HEI’s,– Yury Bialykh said. – We are glad to continue deep and fruitful cooperation.

The visitors in turn mentioned that within the inter-institutional cooperation there were a certain “point”, and it shall be transformed into the “line”, which itself shall be transformed into the “plane” of multi-faceted collaboration.

The Chinese delegation visited YKSUG in order to agree on a joint training agreement of undergraduates, Master students and Ph. D. students with the authorities of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Besides, the parties are interested not only in increasing number of exchange students, but also of academic and administrative stuff.

– At the present three students from Chongqing University of Technology study at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, ‑ added Czhian Fukhuo, Secretary of the Faculty of Mathematics and IT Party Committee. – We have 4 students from the University of Yours, back in China, who are on the internship in IT.

Within the visit, the Chinese delegation had a tour through YKSUG, visited YKSUG History Museum. Our guests also visited Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, evaluated the quality of auditoria classes, communicated with heads of the departments and discovered their directions of activities in the field of science and education.

Parties will have one more day to work on and approve study plans for joint training.

“Garage48” finished at YKSUG

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The winner is the team from Grodno, working on the messenger app for the busy people called “Scop”.

The competition began at YKSUG on 25th November and gathered over 100 participants. Those were students and graduates of universities, software developers, designers, PM’s, team leads, marketers, sales managers and even entrepreneurs from Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Georgia, Turkey and Brazil.

The task was to develop a software product and its business-plan within 48 hours.

– For two days participants worked hard to turn their ideas into real projects, which might be further promoted in the IT-service market,  – said Darya Shabala, one of the hackathon organizers. – A lot of participants brought sleeping bags with themselves: participants slept at University in order not to lose time on road to the hotel and back. Organizers arranged appetizers and hot tea&coffee.

On the first day the participants only presented their projects and thoughts of realization. The second day was fully devoted to the work. Developers designed a code for the app, designers worked on the appearance of the app or service, PMs planned problem solving, team communication and side issues, marketers designed promotion plans. And finally, on the third day teams polished their projects, considering comments and suggestions from mentors, who were representatives from IT companies from Estonia and Belarus. The contest ended with winners’ awarding. The competitors were addressed by Alena Livak, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of YKSUG.

– «Garage48» hackathon became possible mostly thanks to our famous graduate, MSQRD leader Euheny Neuhen, ‑ said Alena Livak. – I am so happy many participants came here to test their skills, to show their abilities. Participation in «Garage48» is a push to development. MSQRD itself was firstly presented during such event a year ago – and it got the prize! Now you see how high these men soar.

By the way, Euheny Neuhen and Siarhei Hanchar, popular face-swap app developers, addressed their greetings to the participants of the hackathon via video message. They congratulated everyone on the participation and had marked they would evaluate the results and take play active role during the vote.

– We hope the money prize for the 1st and 2nd places will be used for the further development of startup, ‑ said Euheny. – If you want your project 100% realized – make a public announcement, as we did. Some time ago we promised to launch MSQRD before Christmas Holidays. And at the end of December, 2015 world discovered our project!

The mentors decided that the best project was the project of Grodno team, “Scop” messenger, where text message is being sent without typing. They won the first prize of $ 1,000 from MSQRD

– We used to work on this app for the long time yet, ‑ told Grodno developers. – This year we decided to publish our project, let the users check it out, to see whether there would be any feedback, shall we promote it. And we got it!

The 2nd place and $ 500 prize went for “Meetalica” project. The app helps music-keen people find people with the same tastes in music and join up a band.

The third place was given to Intexsoft team with “IMeetU” app: they proposed a service, which purpose is to synch schedules of several busy persons to find a time for them to meet.

Moreover, teams were given special prizes, like training at IPM business school, trip to Estonia to the start-up conference, “Arduino” toolset for passionate robot designers. Those went to the developers of “131” (medical app, which helps monitor doctors’ schedules in polyclinics), «ContactUs» (app for searching most profitable product in online shops) and «Singapic» (app for picking a music according to the uploaded image).

The next «Garage48» hackathon by name «Women in Tech» will take place on 2-4 December, 2016 in Parnu (Estonia).

International hackathon “Garage48” starts at YKSUG

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For the first time Grodno welcomes the participants of “Garage48” international hackathon. The competition began in evening of 25th November at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and will last till Sunday. Teams of I.T. guys are to develop Web of mobile app, business-plan for it and present it to mentors.

Our city has been chosen to host the competition not on the occasion. As Kai Isand, one of the hackathon organizers, stated Euheny Neuhen and Siarhei Hanchar, developers of MSQRD, one of the world most popular app, studied here.

– Several years ago Euheny took part in “Garage48” and was inspired by team competitions. He wanted badly to bring that hackathon to his city. And here we are – Kai said.

The University Hall welcomed over 130 participants from Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Turkey and even Brazil. They’ve come to our city to gather in teams and develop a prototype of working product. Most of them are students and graduates of different universities. However, they compete alongside with software developers, designers, PM’s, team leads, marketers, sales managers and even entrepreneurs, as the grand prix is $1,500 from MSQRD to run a start-up. Besides, some of prizewinners will be able to go for a little trip to Estonia, study at IPM business school: organizers have arranged a range of surprises for contestants.

Kai Isand began the event with the proposition for the most initiative participants to present their ideas within 90 seconds. Within the minute and a half contestants should determine the main idea of the project, possible ways of the realization, commercialization options and announce specialists wish-list.

During the three-hours’ presentation participants proposed 27 projects. Those were the proposals for development of services and apps, which might solve a range of social issues and make people’s life easier. Among them were: Web-app for medical purposes, which is aimed to monitor doctors’ duties, book the queue and get the information about the medicines in the city drug stores. Some ideas were about maximum simple and functional trading platforms, which allow user choose from the variety of products the most advantageous one. Besides, the participants proposed several ideas for business – special assistant services for “white collars”. The participants also proposed ideas in fields of computer gaming, music, leisure, travel, mass-media, education and art.

The next stage was team gathering: at the university lobby “idea generator” posters appeared, where participants put stickers with their names declaring the wish to join the team. By the midnight made-up teams of developers began to work, which would last for two days. During this, the teams would be consulted by mentors – representatives of successful international IT companies, including Grodno. The results would be assessed on Sunday, 27th November by the experts from Exposit, Intexsoft, *instinctools.

Partners of the event are MSQRD, SPACE, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and High Tech Park in Grodno.


«Garage48» started on the initiative of six entrepreneurs, who met in Estonian start-up clubs. The first event was organized in April, 2010. The organizers managed to invite 100 participants within one week, and after two weeks of the start-up, the event was organized in Africa. “The pride of the Garage48” is three invested companies: (social monitoring of mass-media services), (online queue termination system) and (HTML5 engine for game development). Nowadays such contests are being arranged in Asia, Africa, Eastern and Central Europe.

Hakathon makes it possible for the hundreds of talented students and graduates to declare their ideas, embody it and get financing to bring it up and improve. Exactly “Garage48” made MSQRD team recognized in 2015.

The first “Garage48” was held in Belarus in 2013 and gathered more than 100 participants.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of Belarus Martin Åberg visited YKSUG


The meeting between the delegation of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden to Belarus and authorities and students of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took place on 23 November within the familiarization visit of Martin Åberg to the Grodno Voblast.


The delegation was welcomed by the Iryna Kiturka, Senior Vice-rector.

– We truly appreciate Your diplomatic work, which is aimed to spreading and strengthening the cooperation between Belarus and Sweden in politic, economic, social, cultural and educational fields,  – noted Iryna Kiturka. – We hope for equal dialog, trust-based partnership and for good bilateral working relations between the Embassy and the Universyty, which will bring a lot of high results.

The Senior Vice-rector mentioned, that YKSUG if a classical-type higher education institution, which is recognized as the best university in the region. They teach here all kinds of specialists: from humanitarian to technical.

The Ambassador, on behalf of the delegation expressed the appreciation to the representatives of our alma mater for the possibility to discover Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and added that the visit might be helpful for tightening contacts between Sweden and Grodnon Voblast, as well, as with YKSUG particularly.

During the meeting parties discussed on the possible options of cooperation. Our university considers important broadening of cooperation between Swedish HEIs in fields of education, science, culture, academic mobility of staff and students, development of networking programs of M.A. specialties and international projects. Besides, the guests were told about YKSUG projects, which help to establish relations with European HEIs. Those are Summer and Winter Russian Language Summer Schools. They, as Henadz Hachko, the Vice-rector for Academic Affairs mentioned, reveal Belarus before foreign guests as the country with unique nature and culture. By the way, this project interested the Ambassador. He plans to spread a word about RLS among Swedish universities.

After the meeting, Martin Åberg had a conversation with students and arranged little Q&A. YKSUG students were especially interested in the Ambassador’s student time, why he chose to be an ambassador, some questions about swedish mentality and culture. The Ambassador also shred his impressions of Belarus and the Belarusians.

– The Belarusians and the Swedish are much alike, we have much in common. Our people are a bit withdrawn, but only at first sight. We are well-organized and work hard. Having in mind, that urbanization happened to Sweden later, than to other European countries, we love the nature and keep it safe. And, of course, both our countries love hockey, –  finalizedMartin Åberg.

Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Republic of Belarus took part in opening of the lecture by Swedish children’s writer Eva Susso, who presented her new book “Yeti in Minsk” to the students of the Faculty of Arts and Design. During the meeting, the writer told YKSUG students about the necessity of illustrations in children’s book, about the details of illustrating, and also mentioned how the illustrator cooperates with the writer.

The visit continued with the presentation of Swedish study and research programs for undergraduates, M.A. students, Ph. D. students and lecturing staff of our University. As a coda for the meeting, actors of the amateur theatre presented “Miss Julie”, a play about the relations between men and women after the work of Swedish classic August Strindberg.

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