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The signing of an international cooperation agreement took place at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

An important event took place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno – an international cooperation agreement was signed with the Hunde University of Arts and Sciences of Inner Mongolia (PRC). The signing of the agreement took place during an online meeting attended by representatives of both universities.

Cooperation with the Hunde University of Arts and Sciences of Inner Mongolia opens up new prospects for Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in various fields of education and scientific research. The agreement provides for joint education, including a master's degree, which is of great interest to students of both universities.

One of the important aspects of cooperation is a short-term internship. Students of both universities will be given the opportunity to complete an internship at a partner university, which will allow them to expand their experience and gain valuable knowledge in an international educational environment.

Cooperation in the research field is of particular importance. Both universities will be able to combine their scientific potentials and conduct joint research in various fields, which will contribute to the development of science and the exchange of advanced knowledge.

The agreement also provides for joint training of students and undergraduates. This means that students will have the opportunity to complete part of the educational program at the partner university, expanding their horizons and enriching their experience.

In addition, cooperation between the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and the Hunde University of Arts and Sciences of Inner Mongolia involves cultural exchange. Students and teachers of both universities will be able to participate in various events, festivals and exchange programs, which will allow them to immerse themselves in the cultural atmosphere of another state and enrich their intercultural experience.

This mutually beneficial partnership reflects the desire of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno to continuously develop and strengthen its international reputation.

The online meeting was also attended by representatives of Luoyang Vocational College, Southwest Jiaotong University, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Institute of Industrial Sciences and Technology, Sichuan Academy of Music.

Political Science


of history, communication and tourism


7-06-0312-01 Political Science

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year

Part-time – 1,5 year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Innovative research in political sciences in the Republic of Belarus; Methods of political analysis and modern digital technologies; Tools for the formation, implementation and evaluation of public policy; Political networks: theory and methodology of analysis; Public policy in the field of information security; The power of network communication; Information warfare in the Internet space; Network policy: institutions, actors, processes; European integration; Eurasian integration; Global problems in the modern world: political aspect; International terrorism: socio-political aspect; Social policy of the state: international experience and national realities;

Politics and ideology: institutions, subjects, norms, meanings

Main competencies that the graduate will have

- be able to apply the methods of scientific knowledge in independent research activities, generate and implement innovative ideas;

- be able to analyze political decisions, assess their possible consequences, offer scientific and innovative ways and ways to resolve political situations;

- to build the trajectory of professional development and career in research, pedagogical and scientific innovation activities; to be able to apply in-depth theoretical,

- methodological and practical knowledge and skills to solve advanced professional tasks in the field of public policy and management, apply the acquired knowledge and skills in scientific research of political institutions and processes, possess tools for the formation and implementation of public policy

Area of future professional occupation

- activities in parent organizations;

- management consulting;

- research and development;

- public administration;

- education; auxiliary educational services;

- activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

  • Additional interview in academic disciplines




of economics and management


7-06-0412-04 Marketing

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year

Part-time – 1,5 year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

Marketing analysis

Retail Marketing

Modern strategic analysis

Digital Marketing

Business leadership

Information support of marketing solutions

Investment and Innovation Management

Main competencies that the graduate will have

- development of a strategy for engaging and retaining consumers using offline and online tools

- development and implementation of a strategy based on strategic analysis and web analytics

- the use of global marketing tools in practice

- development of an effective pricing policy to achieve the commercial and other goals of the organization, etc.

Area of future professional occupation

Brand Manager, marketing analyst, marketing economist, Sales Manager, Marketing Research Manager

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

  • Additional interview in academic disciplines






of economics and management


7-06-0412-01 Management

Academic degree


Duration of study

Full-time – 1 year

Part-time – 1,5 year

Language of study


Main subjects studied

  • Project management

  • Strategic management

  • Information technology in business

  • The economic strategy of the organization

  • Personnel management and corporate culture

  • Modern strategic analysis

  • Creative management

  • Innovative management

Main competencies that the graduate will have

  • To provide communication, to show leadership skills, to be capable of team building and the development of strategic goals and objectives

  • Be able to predict the conditions for the implementation of professional activities and solve professional tasks in conditions of uncertainty

  • Make management decisions, assess their possible consequences and be responsible for them

  • To develop options for management decisions and justify their choice taking into account the requirements of international and national standards in the field of environmental management and auditing, to form the environmental policy of the organization

Area of future professional occupation

  • Higher education and scientific research

  • Change management and strategic planning

  • General public administration

  • Managing people and resources

  • Managing the sustainable development of the organization

  • Information management and analytics

Entrance tests

  • Interview to determine the level of proficiency in the language of instruction

  • Additional interview in academic disciplines



Associate Professor of Kupala University made a presentation at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference

All-Russian scientific and practical conference «The role of municipal control in the development of a comfortable urban environment», organized by the Prosecutor's Office of the Ulyanovsk Region of the Russian Federation, Kutafin Moscow State Law University and the GEOPRAVO Competence Center, took place on July 4.

Oksana Shupitskaya, Associate Professor of the Chair of International Law at the Faculty of Law, made an online presentation on «Digital Voting: opportunities and risks». The conference was attended by leading legal scholars and experts, practicing lawyers, representatives of law making and law enforcement agencies – authoritative experts in the field of constitutional and municipal law.

In the format of an open dialogue between representatives of various branches of law, authorities, public organizations and the youth community, participants discussed issues of improving existing and developing control mechanisms to ensure a legal regime and the development of a comfortable living space at the municipal level, as well as issues of countering and taking preventive measures to prevent distortion of the will of residents in rapidly developing digital technologies.

Kupala resident took part in the international legal forum

Rimma Klyuchko, Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, took part in the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

Traditionally, the XII St. Petersburg International Legal Forum was held at the end of June, organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Roscongress Foundation. The participants were representatives from 54 countries, including politicians, public figures, and scientists.

Rimma Klyuchko, Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics at the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, spoke at a special meeting of the Expert Advisory Council under the Council of the CSTO PA "Umbrella" for the Security of Eurasian Integration, held at the SPIEF site.  During the special meeting, the participants discussed the main parameters of the system of modern challenges and threats to Eurasian security in the context of global transformation, current directions of regulatory and legal counteraction to them, and outlined the prospects for the development of model legislation within the framework of the CSTO as the most important instrument for the security of Eurasian integration.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology signed an agreement on joint educational programs

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka and Vice-rector for Work with Enterprises and higher educational Institutions of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology Anvar Shernaev signed an agreement on the joint implementation of bachelor's degree programs in two areas of study: "Biotechnology" and "Management".

This strategic cooperation opens up new opportunities for students of both universities to receive education in relevant and demanded specialties in the labor market. Joint programs provide for the exchange of best teaching practices, as well as the possibility of internships and training at a partner university.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology have been cooperating fruitfully for several years. The initiative to establish a partnership was proposed by the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno in February 2021. In March of the same year, YKSUG residents visited the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology as part of participation in the 8th meeting of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission on Bilateral Cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan. During the meeting with the management of the Institute, an agreement on international cooperation was signed.

The parties agreed to cooperate in several areas, including the design and implementation of joint educational programs for training specialists with higher education of I and II levels, student exchange, joint scientific research, implementation of international projects and other areas of mutual interest.

This partnership reflects the desire of universities to improve the quality of education, expand the geography of educational opportunities for students and strengthen international relations. Both universities are looking forward to implementing joint educational programs.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka takes part in the forum of rectors of leading universities of Belarus and China

More than 40 rectors of Chinese and Belarusian universities became participants of a massive international meeting, which is taking place in Minsk. The event discusses the issues of developing cooperation between the higher education institutions of the two countries.

The plenary session of the forum was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Belarus Xie Xiaoyong, Minister of Education of Belarus Andrei Ivanets, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Hao Ping.

The participants discussed topical issues in the field of scientific prospective research and implementation of innovative teaching methods to train competitive and professional specialists in the current globalization environment. The discussion was held within the framework of the sections "Innovative Models of Cooperation between Universities of China and Belarus" and "Sino-Belarusian Cooperation in Basic Sciences".

Also within the framework of the forum there was a presentation of the Initiative on China-Belarus Cooperation in Basic Scientific Research. Participation in this forum opens new opportunities for expanding international relations of YKSUG and increasing its competitiveness in the global market of educational services. Within the framework of the forum, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka met with Rector of Lanzhou University Wang Cheng. The parties discussed the prospects of cooperation vectors.

The Forum of Rectors of Leading Universities of Belarus and China became an excellent platform for multilateral and bilateral educational and scientific dialogue between Belarusian and Chinese universities.

Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka takes part in the forum of rectors of the leading universities of Belarus and China

More than 40 rectors of Chinese and Belarusian universities took part in the large-scale international meeting, which is taking place in Minsk. The event discusses the development of cooperation between higher education institutions of the two countries.

The plenary session of the forum was attended by Xie Xiaoyong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Belarus, Andrei Ivanets, Minister of Education of Belarus, and Hao Ping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University.

The participants discussed topical issues in the field of advanced scientific research and the introduction of innovative teaching methods to train competitive and professional specialists in the context of current globalization. This was discussed within the framework of the sections "Innovative models of cooperation between universities of China and Belarus" and "Chinese-Belarusian cooperation in the field of fundamental sciences".

The forum also hosted a presentation of the Initiative on Chinese-Belarusian cooperation in the field of basic scientific research. Participation in this forum opens up new opportunities for expanding international relations of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno and increasing its competitiveness in the global market of educational services. Within the framework of the forum, Rector of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno Iryna Kiturka met with Rector of Lanzhou University Wang Cheng. The parties discussed the prospects and vectors of cooperation.

The Forum of Rectors of the leading universities of Belarus and China has become an excellent platform for multilateral and bilateral educational and scientific cooperation between Belarusian and Chinese universities.

Professor of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno gave lectures for international students

Igor Martynenko gave a lecture for students of the Ural State University of Economics. The lesson highlighted the main legislative means of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs in the Republic of Belarus.

As part of the lecture, a comparative analysis of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and Russian legislation in this area was carried out, the pros and cons of the main forms of protection in these states were analyzed.

Particular attention was paid to the adoption in Belarus of the Code of Civil Procedure, which establishes uniform rules for the consideration of civil and economic cases in courts. It establishes unified rules for the consideration of cases arising from both civil and economic disputes.

In order to ensure proper protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and entrepreneurs, it is envisaged that all courts will review court decisions in three instances: appeal, cassation and supervision. The use of out-of-court dispute resolution methods is also expanding: mediation, conciliation procedure.

During a lively discussion with the professor, the students assessed the effectiveness of legislative innovations in Belarus and noted that they can serve as an example for the Russian legislative system.


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