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Students of Yanka Kupala state University took part in the International Volunteer Forum in Sochi

The event brought together more than 6,500 volunteer participants from different countries to share experience in implementing successful volunteer initiatives and summarizing the results of the expiring year.

The international volunteer Forum takes place from December 2 to 5 at the main media center of the Olympic Park in Sochi, Russia. Representatives of Kupala University as a part of the Belarusian delegation are students-activists of the primary organization of NGO “Belarusian Republican Youth Union” Diana Abramenko, Vladislav Mandik, Alesya Popko and Olga Rusilko.

The Forum suggests the participants a large number of platforms in different areas for the sharing of experience and knowledge in various areas of volunteer activity, organizations networking.

The business program of the Forum is based on the theme “Partnership for common goals” in three directions. The direction of “Discussion” involves participants in discussion of key topics of development of volunteerism and possible variants of development of partnership relations, analysis of cases of interaction and implementation of projects. During the course of direction named “Practice”, participants share their experience in implementing projects and programs within the framework of volunteer activities. Within the framework of the direction “Workshops and master classes” for participants are given master classes and trainings aimed at developing leadership skills, team building, promotion and coverage of project activities.

By the way, the participants of the International Forum are also involved in providing real volunteer assistance to charitable foundations, non-profit organizations and government agencies on twenty different platforms.

About 100 participants gathered Festival of Chinese culture in Yanka Kupla State University of Grodno

Students of Yanka Kupla State University of Grodno, schoolchildren and volunteers from Minsk, attended the event.

The festival of Chinese culture lasted for two days. As part of the festival, students with linguistic degree held a quiz about the history and culture of China, prepared a presentation about finger-painting and traditional trades, held a competition to decode Chinese phraseological units and held a phonetic battle. The melodious Chinese songs and recited poems, including Pushkin's poem "I loved You" translated into Chinese, were featuring on the festival.

Numerous master classes in Chinese calligraphy and artistic paper cutting were also included in the program of the festival. Everyone was able to take part in the ceremony of Chinese tea and tasting Chinese cuisine, which was prepared by volunteers and students. The most active students in the events of the holiday were the freshmen and sophomores of the specialty "Linguistic support of intercultural communications", who study Chinese as the first foreign language. Volunteers from Minsk actively helped them to prepare a various and interesting program of the festival. They presented several concert performances, including an artistic reading of Chinese poetry, a performance of modern Chinese songs and a piece of music on a Chinese flute.

Everyone interested in Chinese culture could take part in the festival. There were students of different faculties of Kupala University, as well as students and authorities of secondary school No. 38 of Grodno, on the basis of which a branch of the Department of translation and intercultural communication of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was established. The purpose of the festival of Chinese culture, which was held on the initiative of the academic and methodical cabinet “Cabinet of Confucius” and the Department of translation and intercultural communication of the faculty of history, communication and tourism, is to push the motivation of students and schoolchildren to study Chinese language and culture, to push the development of their communicative, intercultural and professional competencies.

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno actively implements the Erasmus + program

Within the framework of the academic mobility program, teachers of Grodno State University visit foreign universities, exchange experience and give lectures for students.

During the visits, representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno present the scientific and educational potential of the university, tell students about Summer schools, learning opportunities in the first and second stages of higher education, as well as the possibility of participating in mobility for students within the framework of the Erasmus + program in Yanka Kupala State University.

Thus, in the framework of the academic mobility program, Irena Kirvel, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, visited the Sv. Maria Assunta in Palermo, Associate Professor of the Department of International Law Andrei Bogustov - University of Bialystok, and Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Gregory Tretyakov visited the University of Matei Bela. In addition, Alexander Grin, Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and Algebra, and Andrei Pronevich, Associate Professor of Mathematical and Information Support for Economic Systems lectured on the course "Differential Equations" at the University of Maribor.

In turn, Darya Ivinskaya, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Law, visited Yasi University. A.I. Kuzy, where she demonstrated the work of forensic laboratories. The Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Tatiana Vankova to the Technical University of Lodz (Republic of Poland) met with representatives of the International Engineering Faculty (IFE), who presented the international activities of the university, told about the features of teaching students at IFE.

Yanka Kupala State University and St. Maria Assunta LUMSA in Italy expands cooperation

Within the framework of the Erasmus + program, the Specialist of the International Projects and Academic Mobility Department of Education Internationalization Centre , Elena Nazaruk  met with representatives of the St. Maria Assunta LUMSA in the offices of Palermo and Rome.

While visiting the Erasmus + office in the Palermo branch, a meeting was held with the Erasmus + program coordinator. The features of the organization of academic mobility in the Free Research University named after St. Maria Assunta - LUMSA, the issues of the development of academic mobility between educational institutions, the possibility of prolongation of the inter-university cooperation agreement in the framework of the Erasmus + program were discussed.

 There was also a presentation of the educational and scientific potential Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno,the Education Internationalization Centre . Elena Nazaruk told colleagues from Italy about the possibilities for foreign students to study at Kupala University, as well as about the Summer Schools of the Yanka Kupala State University.

During a visit to the International Cooperation Department of the Free Research University named after St. Maria Assunta - LUMSA in the branch in Rome met with the head of the office to discuss issues related to the features of the educational process. The organization of academic mobility, the development of academic mobility between educational institutions was discussed.

The parties discussed features of the education system, the organization of the educational process and the internationalization of education, and also agreed on further participation in academic mobility projects within the framework of the Erasmus + program.

A new project “Improving University Teaching and Learning” (UniTeLE) within the framework of the “Erasmus +” program started in Yanka Kupala State University

Staff of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno took part in the first meeting of the project “Improving university teaching and learning” at the University of Linneus in Vaxjo (Sweden).

         Head of the international project sector of Education Internationalization Centre Victoria Kerget and Head of educational department of educational and methodical management  Anatoly Bogdevich presented to the project partners the achievements of Yanka Kanka State University in international project activities, the introduction of innovative educational technologies and quality management system.

         The implementation of the project results will allow Yanka Kupala State University to take another step towards innovative development, improving the organization of the educational process at the university in accordance with European standards for ensuring the quality of education.

         As a result of the implementation of the UniTeLE project, it is planned to create a center for academic development and pedagogical training at the university, to develop and introduce innovative educational methods. An important aspect of the project is the development of pedagogical interaction and pedagogical networks for staff of universities in Sweden, Italy, Germany, Turkey and Belarus.

         Project partners are Linneus University, Sweden - Project Coordinator, University of Genoa, Italy, Heidelberg Pedagogical University, Germany, Haji Bektash University and Veli Nevsehir, Turkey, Polotsk State University, Belarus, Belarusian State University, Belarus, Belarusian State Order of October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Agricultural Academy, Belarus, Gomel State Technical University. BY. Sukhoi, Belarus, Brest State Technical University, Belarus, Associate partner: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

The aim of the project is to improve the quality of higher education with a focus on employment in terms of improving internal quality assurance of teaching and learning and improving the work of the teaching staff of partner universities in Belarus in accordance with the growing demands of society and the economy.

The head of the department of sports disciplines, Vitaly Khramov, visited the Pope John Paul II State Higher School in Biala Podlaska (Poland)

The visit took place within the framework of the “Erasmus +” program.

During the visit, the head of the department of sports disciplines Vitaly Khramov gave lectures to students of the faculty of health sciences about the current state of the theory and practice of kinesiology.

 Meetings were held with the faculty of the Department of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, during which the parties discussed the prospects for the implementation of joint scientific, academic and project activities and identified relevant topics of research in the field of physical culture sciences.

In addition, the possibilities of preparing publications in scientific journals included in the database Scopus, Web of Science were considered.

When visiting the Center for Innovative Research of the Higher School for Vitaly Khramov, the experience of organizing the educational process and the research work of students based on the subjects of the innovation infrastructure of the educational institution was demonstrated.

Yanka Kupala State University expands cooperation with the University of Gdansk in the Republic of Poland

As part of the “Erasmus +” program, Inna Samoilova, Head of the Language Training Department of Belarusian and Foreign Citizens of Yanka Kupala State University, visited the Institute of Russian Studies and Oriental Studies at the University of Gdansk.

During the visit, Inna Samoilova told Polish students about the Yanka Kupala State University of Belarus, its history and the opportunities it provides to Belarusian and foreign students, and lectured to the students of the Russian Philology and Russian Studies departments about the identification of the national cultural component in languages.

 She also met with the faculty of the Department of Pragmatics of Communication and Linguodidactics.

The parties discussed the prospects for the implementation of joint scientific, academic and project activities and identified relevant research topics in the field of linguodidactics.

 In addition, the possibilities of preparing joint monographs and articles for publication in scientific journals that are part of the Scopus database, Web of Science were considered.

Representatives of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visited the Karl and Franz University in Graz, Austria


During the visit, representatives of the law faculty took part in the installation conference of the ERASMUS + project “Modernization of Master Programs for Future Judges, Prosecutors, and Investigators to Consider European Standards in the Field of Human Rights”.

The event was attended by the Head of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Rimma Klyuchko and Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of Yanka Kupala State University Grigory Tretyakov.

During the project's installation conference, the concept of upgrading the master's program was discussed, as well as questions about the content of the project and its expected results, the financial component, its methodology and principles.

The conference was also attended by representatives of partner organizations: University of Potsdam (Germany), Vilnius University (Lithuania), University of Rijeka (Croatia), University of Ex-Marseille (France), Yaroslav the Wise National Law University (Ukraine), Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (Ukraine), National University "Odessa Law Academy" (Ukraine), Belarusian State University (Belarus).

Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno visited the program coordinator of the Erasmus + University in Maribor (Slovenia) Elena Krivograd

The visit took place in the framework of international cooperation.

During the visit, meetings were held with the staff of the Education Internationalization Centre, including the International projects and academic mobility office, the international project activities sector, during which they discussed prospects for cooperation in the field of internationalization of education, academic mobility, project activities, and issues related to organization of work with foreign students.

A meeting was held with representatives of the Faculty of Philology - Dean of the Faculty of Philology Ina Lisovskaya, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Elena Yasyukevich and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Romance-Germanic Philology Elena Juh. The parties discussed the possibility of cooperation between faculties under the Erasmus + program, conducting joint research, and a preliminary agreement was reached on conducting trial webinars for students of two faculties.

Elena Krivograd also met with the departments of the pedagogical faculty, visited the educational-methodical study of educational technologies, took part in the meeting of the round table of the department of natural science and linguistic disciplines and methods of teaching them "Innovative models of education abroad."


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